Hi All,
I have made this cluster component to create a parametric street canyon that has the following inputs :
and then outputs Shading surfaces, Sidewalks, Streets, Probing Point, Walls, custom Probing Plane, and context Surfaces.
Inside is pretty simple, but it is lengthy and I am wondering if someone can help me to optimize it. I am 99% sure that there is a lot in here that can be simplified, I am just a noob at this and do not know exactly how to go about it/what can be/what cannot be.
This part makes the shading on top
This makes the sidewalks and Street, so that if you make the sidewalk wider, the street gets narrower
Here I make the canyon surfaces themselves, a lot of copying tho:
And then I find the center of the canyon to make a probing point, probing plane, and make everything rotateable (for street orientation)
Right now it takes about 196ms to run the component, which seems like a lot to me? Maybe it is not. Regardless, I would love to simplify the component anyway.
Any help would be much appreciated. Script attached.
ParametricStreetCanyon.gh (36.9 KB)