Hello, total newbie here. I am trying to split a mesh, horizontally along it’s length (I need two halves of the key split lengthwise). I am using the MeshBooleanSplit command. It allows me to complete the operation, but the mesh does not split.
*I have been doing tutorials and learning and have able to split other objects successfully, I am just stumped on why this one won’t work.
Hi Geokov- the mesh has some problems -it has some self-intersections, and also, though the mesh is still valid, it has some very very skinny triangles - aspect ratios of over 1000. My guess is it is the self-intersections that are problematic. If the object is symmetrical, then you can simply ExtractMeshFaces and window carefully in an elevation view right up to the symmetry plane - then delete these faces, mirror the rest and Join.
OK, I see some polygons cross the center plane, so it may be a bit more work.
Here is a fixed up version- just FYI, it did take a fair amount of hand surgery to clean up.
ExtractMeshPart to separate the flatter parts from the roundier bit.
CutPlane (planes are on their own layer in my file) to MeshSplit the results. Each individual part splits cleanly… not sure what that is about.
Join and delete as needed to make a half-key.
The fill the gap on the cutplane - this is the nastiest bit you need to bridge across in a number of places to break the opening up into relatively small chunks using PatchSingleFace and then FillMeshHole.
clean up further with UnifyMeshNormals, and CullDegenerateMesh Faces and then MatchMeshEdge.
Phew. Check Help for info on these commands - they will all be very useful if you are going to manipulate meshes in Rhino.
The mesh still has self intersections - this is in the original mesh, I do not know if there is any consequence for you down stream in your process, but just be aware…
Wow, that was extremely kind of you I will be sure to read over everything very carefully and study what you have done. Thank you for the lesson and for your generous assistance.