Having problem when making sweep 1

Hi guys,

I am having problems when making Sweep 1 in grasshopper. I want a sweep between the starting and ending rectangles with a curve as rail. But while drawing these rectangles(model 1), they are not following the direction of the profile(blue curves). That’s the reason I did the second grasshopper test(model 2) but it turns out like a chaos. Does anyone know which part of the model goes wrong and how to fix it?

Model 1

Problems with the starting and ending rectangles which are not following the direction as the profiles

Grasshopper for the model 1

Grasshopper for the model 2

Planes to set the position of rectangles

Model 2

Rhino file: 180421_test.3dm (3.5 MB)
Gh file: 180421_gh_test.gh (10.2 KB)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Take a look at the attachment.

180421_gh_test_re.gh (25.2 KB)

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Thank you very much for helping with the problem!