Trying to recreate my V7 tools that were decimated by the new UI in the Mac WIP.
started remaking the buttons images in rhino saving as .svg with hatch fill.
Colours don’t seems to work in the WIP…?
even as it indicates that the correct color is assigned [maroon in this case]
If I had to guess, hatches are treated as separate objects from the boundary they fill in Rhino, whereas the solid fill property of a SVG path is simply a property of the path object.
Hi Akash -
What’s the workflow here?
In the WIP, I’ve created hatch objects in Rhino and given those a different display color than the layer color. That color was shown in the viewports.
I then exported that to SVG and imported back again as hatches. Also those hatches display with the correct other color.
Hi Wim
yes… and in the tool button the colors display correctly, but in the WIP viewport the imported SVG is only shown in White on my machine.
another question regarding the SVG button: I’m unable to get text [made into hatch] in front of the other hatch shape, it’s somehow stuck behind [so the text is obscured in the button.
[I tried moving it in front but it makes no difference…? what am I doing wrong here?
This seems to work on my 2015 MBAir - I wonder if we can attribute that to your 2013 MBP…
I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong here. It doesn’t look like the order in SVG files is supported.
In a simple text editor, I moved the 2 paths that should be at the bottom to the top of the file - see if this works:
Thanks this worked [got the text above the shape]
It still goes into the WIP as white only with the blue showing in the button but not in the viewport… strange.