Hi there,
I’m an architecture graduate student and I work extensively with Rhino and Grasshopper. I’m about to buy a desktop PC for my work and was wondering if any of you guys have any experience with different hardware and could give me an advice regarding what CPU and GPU I should buy, preferably based on your actual experience.
I was under the impression that Intel Xeon processors are specifically designed to be server processors (mainly because Intel categorizes them as server products!) but I see my classmates paying $2000+ just to buy a workstation computer with a Xeon processor to make their renderings faster.
Does anybody know if Rhino / Grasshopper are actually designed to work better on Intel Xeon processors, or an equivalent Intel Core i7 processor will perform without any noticeable difference?
I was also wondering how much workstation GPUs can affect the rendering time AND quality (if any).
Thank you in advance for sharing your experience with me, I appreciate your time and help.