Guidelines for licensing Grasshopper plugins


I am looking for Licensing guides and recommendations by McNeel for Rhino/Grasshopper plugin developers. I have come across some licensing guides for Rhino Deployment and Licensing here and some example code via the developer’s github:
Rhino - Creating Plugins that use the LAN Zoo (
rhino-developer-samples/rhinocommon/cs/SampleCsWithLicense at 7 · mcneel/rhino-developer-samples (

Are there any similar guidelines for license management for GH plugins, outside of Cloud Zoo?

Does McNeel recommend distribution method for Grasshopper Plugin licenses to use Cloud Zoo (via a Rhino Plugin shared assembly) or to handle this independently as in plugins like Karamba?

If we decide to go forward with cloud zoo the example below shows a work around for using Cloud Zoo to distribute the grasshopper licensing by loading a Rhino Plugin. Is this considered best practice/practical solution?

Cannot call Cloud zoo GetLicense for Grasshopper plugin - Zoo - McNeel Forum

Any recommendation on which License route to take to best futureproof development in both the case of a (stand alone) Grasshopper Plugin, versus a (shared assembly) Rhino plugin that also exposes functions in Grasshopper?


Hi @Kane_Borg,

The McNeel Licensing System currently only supports Rhino plug-ins.

I suppose its possible to setup a scenario where a Rhino plug-in handled the licensing for a Grasshopper plug-in.

– Dale

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