I am looking for Licensing guides and recommendations by McNeel for Rhino/Grasshopper plugin developers. I have come across some licensing guides for Rhino Deployment and Licensing here and some example code via the developer’s github:
Rhino - Creating Plugins that use the LAN Zoo (rhino3d.com)
rhino-developer-samples/rhinocommon/cs/SampleCsWithLicense at 7 · mcneel/rhino-developer-samples (github.com)
Are there any similar guidelines for license management for GH plugins, outside of Cloud Zoo?
Does McNeel recommend distribution method for Grasshopper Plugin licenses to use Cloud Zoo (via a Rhino Plugin shared assembly) or to handle this independently as in plugins like Karamba?
If we decide to go forward with cloud zoo the example below shows a work around for using Cloud Zoo to distribute the grasshopper licensing by loading a Rhino Plugin. Is this considered best practice/practical solution?
Cannot call Cloud zoo GetLicense for Grasshopper plugin - Zoo - McNeel Forum
Any recommendation on which License route to take to best futureproof development in both the case of a (stand alone) Grasshopper Plugin, versus a (shared assembly) Rhino plugin that also exposes functions in Grasshopper?