Hi @clement,
From your suggestion and more research, I was able to update my previous code to use only a form and not a dialog now.
It’s much easier to manage now, thanks for that.
I managed to get some graphics working, dynamic highlight, etc. and associate the “buttons” with Rhino commands.
Also now that I’m not doing the double dialog/form situation, the UI shows up on the Mouse Cursor position as expected so that’s great!
I’m now trying to implement the mouse event handling from the Form itself because in it’s current implement, despite being transparent, the “flick highlighting” only starts working when I first draw off of the form. If I am on the form after spawn with the mouse, it doesn’t work oddly. So I’m trying to sort that right now but otherwise it’s generally working well.
Silly me… I forgot I changed the form transparency to “visible” despite not being able to visually see it. So the mouse was tracking against the form despite me not wanting it to. I made it completely invisible again and that fixed it. (I updated the code below to reflect this)
Here’s a video of progress, for now I’m associating custom images and commands for testing but as mentioned earlier, I would like to make this user customizable at some point.
Code Thus Far:
import Eto.Forms as forms
import Eto.Drawing as drawing
import System
import Rhino.UI
import math
class CircleProperties:
def __init__(self, icon_path=""):
self.fill_color = drawing.Colors.White
self.border_color = None # Will be set dynamically
self.highlight_color = drawing.Colors.Orange
self.icon_path = icon_path # Icon path attribute with a default value of ""
class TransparentForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Title = "PIE Menu 0.1"
self.WindowStyle = forms.WindowStyle.None
self.AutoSize = False
self.Resizable = False
self.TopMost = True
self.ShowActivated = False
self.Size = drawing.Size(300, 300)
self.Padding = drawing.Padding(20)
self.MovableByWindowBackground = False
# Initialize circle properties list with icon paths
icon_paths = [
self.circle_properties = [CircleProperties(icon_path) for icon_path in icon_paths]
self.form_bitmap = drawing.Bitmap(drawing.Size(300, 300), drawing.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgba)
self.DrawCirclesOnBitmap(self.form_bitmap, None)
self.image_view = forms.ImageView()
self.image_view.Image = self.form_bitmap
layout = forms.DynamicLayout()
self.Content = layout
self.selected_button_index = None # Initialize selected button index variable
# Add transparent style
self.Styles.Add[forms.Panel]("transparent", self.MyFormStyler)
self.Style = "transparent"
def DrawCirclesOnBitmap(self, bitmap, pointed_circle_index):
# Clear the bitmap
graphics = drawing.Graphics(bitmap)
circle_radius = 100
num_circles = 8
button_radius = 35
center_x = bitmap.Size.Width / 2
center_y = bitmap.Size.Height / 2
for i, properties in enumerate(self.circle_properties):
angle = (2 * math.pi / num_circles) * i
circle_center_x = center_x + circle_radius * math.cos(angle)
circle_center_y = center_y + circle_radius * math.sin(angle)
circle_position = drawing.Point(circle_center_x - button_radius, circle_center_y - button_radius)
circle_size = drawing.Size(2 * button_radius, 2 * button_radius)
circ_brush = drawing.SolidBrush(properties.fill_color) # Use circle properties
highlight_color = drawing.Colors.Orange # Set the highlight color
border_color = drawing.Colors.LightGrey # Assign a unique border color for each circle
if i == pointed_circle_index:
border_pen = drawing.Pen(highlight_color, 10)
self.selected_button_index = i # Update selected button index
border_pen = drawing.Pen(border_color, 5)
graphics.FillEllipse(circ_brush, drawing.Rectangle(circle_position, circle_size))
graphics.DrawEllipse(border_pen, drawing.Rectangle(circle_position, circle_size))
# Draw the image
icon_bitmap = drawing.Bitmap(properties.icon_path)
graphics.DrawImage(icon_bitmap, circle_center_x - 25, circle_center_y - 25, 50, 50)
def MyFormStyler(self, control):
self.BackgroundColor = drawing.Colors.Transparent
window = control.ControlObject
if hasattr(window, "AllowsTransparency"):
window.AllowsTransparency = True
if hasattr(window, "Background"):
brush = window.Background.Clone()
brush.Opacity = 0 # Adjust opacity as needed
window.Background = brush
color = window.BackgroundColor
window.BackgroundColor = color.FromRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
def Cleanup(self):
# Close the form if it's shown
if self.Visible:
# Dispose of the form's resources
class MyMouseCallback(Rhino.UI.MouseCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.original_position = None
self.form = None
self.mouse_moved = False
def OnMouseDown(self, e):
if e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle:
Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("MMB Down")
if self.form:
self.form.Cleanup() # Clean up any existing UI
self.original_position = Rhino.UI.MouseCursor.Location
self.form = TransparentForm()
form_loc = drawing.Point(self.original_position.X - 150, self.original_position.Y - 150)
self.form.Location = form_loc
self.form.Owner = Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow
def OnMouseMove(self, e):
if self.original_position:
current_position = Rhino.UI.MouseCursor.Location
if current_position != self.original_position:
self.mouse_moved = True
vector_x = current_position.X - self.original_position.X
vector_y = current_position.Y - self.original_position.Y
angle = math.atan2(vector_y, vector_x)
angle_degrees = math.degrees(angle)
if angle_degrees < 0:
angle_degrees += 360
num_circles = 8
pointed_circle_index = int(angle_degrees / (360 / num_circles))
# Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Button Index: "+ str(pointed_circle_index) )
# Create a new bitmap for highlighting
highlight_bitmap = drawing.Bitmap(drawing.Size(300, 300), drawing.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgba)
# Call the DrawCirclesOnBitmap method with the highlighted circle
self.form.DrawCirclesOnBitmap(highlight_bitmap, pointed_circle_index)
# Update the ImageView with the new highlight_bitmap
self.form.image_view.Image = highlight_bitmap
def OnMouseUp(self, e):
if e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle:
if self.mouse_moved:
self.original_position = None
if self.form:
selected_index = self.form.selected_button_index
# Close the form first
self.form = None
if selected_index is not None:
# Execute the corresponding Rhino command
commands = ["Floor", "Wall", "Door", "Window", "Electrical", "Plumbing", "Object", "Room"]
Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Running {} tool...".format(commands[selected_index]))
if selected_index < len(commands):
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript(commands[selected_index], False)
Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("No command found for index {}.".format(selected_index))
elif self.form:
# If mouse hasn't moved, close the form
self.form = None
def DoSomething():
if scriptcontext.sticky.has_key('MyMouseCallback'):
callback = scriptcontext.sticky['MyMouseCallback']
if callback:
callback.Enabled = False
callback = None
callback = MyMouseCallback()
callback.Enabled = True
scriptcontext.sticky['MyMouseCallback'] = callback
Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Click somewhere...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thanks for all your help, I’m really learning a lot in this exercise!