Grid of points with random radius

Hello, I’m pretty new to Grasshopper. I’m trying to create a grid of random points on a surface and I don’t know how to define a single radius for each point. I know it has to do with the structure of the data but I don’t know how to solve it.
Also, I would like to remove the points along the borders of the surface.
Any help would be appreciated!
grid of random points.3dm (80.1 KB)
grid of random (12.6 KB)

grid of random (14.4 KB)

grid of random (17.6 KB)


grid of random points (16.9 KB)


Wow this is amazing. I’ve learned a lot. Thank you so much for your time!

A grid of points is exactly the opposite of random points :bangbang: And points don’t have a radius.

It appears that you meant a grid of circles with random radii? :roll_eyes:

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Yes sorry! Spanish speaker here :sweat_smile: