Grasshopper : Setting board thickness for staircase generator

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on staircase generator cluster, and I’ve encountered an issue that I’d like to ask about.

Initially, I set the thickness of the stair board to 18mm as the default and proceeded with the work. However, I want to make it adjustable so that the thickness can be set freely. The problem is that when I adjust the thickness, the top stair does not change in line with the other models. It seems to be connected with other components, but I cannot identify the issue. (159.8 KB)

Good luck.

By the way, when I click on your GH file, I get a file called instead of

Is this a new forum bug :question: I haven’t been active recently but saw this same problem in another thread a couple days ago.

Hi Joseph -

Yes. We’ve asked the Discourse people to look into this.

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From what I can tell, old threads still work as expected. New threads (this year?) are broken.

That’s correct, yes.