Grasshopper Player (custom tools & wish list)

Icon is coming soon as we need it for Hops as well as Rhino.Inside Revit situations. Automatically making that into a Rhino toolbar button would be awesome, but still way down the road.

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thnx! yeah, this script was mentioned earlier in this thread & I’ve used it in a few tools, works great!

archviz flow:


a few things to add to wish list:


I remember sometime time ago, - I believe a Scandinavian architect - went on an internet promo tour to popularize his vapour-ware, still non-existing, allegedly revolutionary machine learning Grasshopper tool for architects. His flashy animations seemed to pop up everywhere, but no product was every really released to the public - I think - and no substantial demo of the workflow inside Grasshopper shown (only pre-rendered animations).

Anyway, I went on a tangent there! :wink:
Your stuff reminds me of what he showed back in the day, but it’s even cooler and realer! :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind 1 of those :thinking: :laughing:

Yeah, but I guess many jobs would get lost and only few new ones created, but maybe I’m to pessimistic.

Finch3D is the Scandinavian Architect


mouse events = :champagne:
(also a quick shout-out to avant-garde behind gh, kangaroo, parakeet, pufferfish, human, dodo, & rest of incredible plugins ,without which, most of the work would be impossible or incredibly tedious)


lil’ kangaroo drama :wink:


If you’re talking about Finch3d, it seems quite real. There’s people developing it, recruitment seems active and some updates are delivered every now and then. Haven’t heard anyone claiming it’s running some magical machine learning thou…

Maybe i’m missing something, but can i select Rhino text object using GH Player? Otherwise we need “Get GUID” option :neutral_face:

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very interesting :slight_smile:
thanks for the idea.

I encountered a problem with everything worked in Grasshopper. but in the GH Player begins to glitch.
What can be the problem. ? and after starting the GH Player of this algorithm rhino begins to slow down even after closing the tool.
UaIAh (32.6 KB)

oops. I had to enter 1 . otherwise I accidentally duplicated the curve with the mouse. :cold_face:

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Bake (11.3 KB)
from the method of sticking the group and layer. :sunglasses:

UaIAh (18.9 KB)
help me please. can this be fixed somehow? how can you connect a bake and a kangaroo?

kangaroo in Grasshopper Player works constantly. how can i turn off work???

Hi @taraskydon

One trick I’ve found useful when combining Kangaroo and GHPlayer is to include an extra unused number input below the others. You can see this in the example files I posted further up this thread.

You never actually input this number when prompted when the Player command is running, and instead end the command by pressing Enter, but having it there lets the solver keep running during the command and stop when it’s done.


sorry but no, it didn’t help :sob:
onActiveCurve_ (1).gh (20.9 KB)

Bake (42.6 KB)

did works but there is a critical issue. if the work is not completed correctly Rhino starts to glitch. :skull: :skull_and_crossbones:

Very nice
I don’t know if that possible or not, if you can make the sliders and other controls always parallels to the viewport plane , projected to the plane of the camera.

import Rhino as rh
import Rhino.Geometry as rg

width = rh.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.Bounds.Width
height = rh.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.Bounds.Height
plane = rh.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.GetCameraFrame()

t0 = rg.Interval(-width/2,width/2)
t1 = rg.Interval(-height/2,height/2)

a = rg.Rectangle3d(plane[1],t0,t1)