Hi there,
I have an issue with the Patch component (not ‘Patch for Rhino5’). What I am trying to achieve, is to patch up the singularity on some revolved forms. I’m talking 500+ of them, all of slightly different radius/form. So I’ve broken away my subsurface and generated isocurves across the surface to be patched over.
The problem I’m encountering seems to be at the point of generating/selecting the number of spans. I can get up to maybe 7/8 spans and then get a Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. But I just don’t quite understand how this is affecting it and why it’s restricting it - as a result the actual tolerance the patch is achieving is quite poor as well.
grasshopper_patch_problem.3dm (3.4 MB)
grasshopper_patch_problems.gh (28.5 KB)