Grasshopper orienting to an extrusion brep

I am modeling a roof beam structure that has curved posts arraying on a curve. I have the geometry of the posts and am trying to orient them to the curvature of the roof, however I’m having difficulty doing so. I normally evaluate the surface to create a plane to orient my geometry to, however, I couldn’t produce a surface from th roof curve, and when I tried to deconstruct an extrusion the orientation result got flipped in one part. The curvature should be facing up. What should I do?
230801_Crown (22.3 KB)

Please internalize your geometries or attach also the .3dm file.
It’s impossible to help you otherwise.

Hi, sorry about that. I also simplified the cure which made the orient continuos but still flipped on one part. Here you go.

230801_Crown (22.9 KB)
main curves 2.3dm (106.5 KB)

You were constructing planes with a constant Y vector, that can’t be good.
Notice how your planes are used, V directions (plane Y vector) have to change gradually up to a whole full turn 360° …
230801_Crown Model_EM (1).gh (18.2 KB)

btw, you have a small overlapping segment here:
2023-08-02 12_00_39-Window

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thank you so much!

I also need to divide the surface to model each element like this

I was able to model it on the initial beam section but when I try orienting it to the main curvature the split fragments don’t orient properly.

I realized that it’s because when I Deconstruct Brep and list item it indexed more than one curves which creates the issue. Does anyone know how I can fix that?

230801_Crown (32.6 KB)
main curves 2.3dm (70.2 KB)