Grasshopper Opening Error - GhPython external addon error

Hi. I`m using rhino 8, right now, and I downloaded a plugin named “SYNTATIC”. After trying to install it, the error started to appear for me. Even when I returned to Rhino 7, the error continues.

After pressing “OK” this is the message that apears, before the Gh open (after pressing close).

Someone help me please, I`m doing my graduation thesis and I need the program working well.
There is a way to resolve it? A way that I can uninstall the plugins?

The SYNTATIC plugin components didn`t appeared on my grasshopper.

Hi I also wanted to share that I get this error with a fresh installation of the Rhino 8 Release Version.

I did the following steps

  • Install Rhino 8
  • Open the ScriptEditor to automatically download python dependencies
  • enable Grasshopper 2 via package manager
  • Restart Rhino
  • Open Grasshopper (regular version)

Error message:
“There must be a unique PythonAssemblylnfo-derived type in _ grasshopper_ module.”

I now did a clean reinstall, opened Grasshopper before everything else and the error disappeared
However when placing a script component and going into the c# editor rhino crashes after script Editor is launched.
After that I got the same error as above again when opening Grasshopper

Also the old c# and python script components are now missing, which might be intentional

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Hello everyone!

Did you find the solution to this problem?
For my part, I solved it by unchecking the memoryload in the GrasshopperDeveloperSettings window.


Hoping this can be useful…


Thanks, this works for me