I was downloading plugins for Grasshopper and when starting GH this error appears, and Rhino closes … how can I fix it ?, I reinstalled, uninstalled, deleted folders … etc.
See http://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/rhinopython/python-troubleshooting-install/
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
Good Morning.
Thanks for the info. But I did not install Python, without installing
several other plugins. The problem is that I can not reinstall Rhino and
eliminate the error … and tried to uninstall them twice, even by deleting
the Mcneel folder, but the failure persists.
I do not understand what to do with the information you sent me because I
have not installed Phyton.
The plugins that I installed were these:
And I suspect that the failure was due to copying the following files.
Thank you.
Pablo Paci
Sinapsis Arquitectura http://www.sinapsisarquitectura.com
+54 9 261 3048344
pablopaci@gmail.com - Tierra del Fuego 343 - Bº Bombal . 5500- Mendoza
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This error usually is created by an alternative IronPython installion in the Control Panel!
Please open the Control Panel -> Search IronPython -> Uninstall. When searching, please note that Python is not spelled “Phyton”.
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
Fixed Thanks! yes … I realized after sending the mail about the writing
error. Thank you!.
a greeting
Pablo Paci
Sinapsis Arquitectura http://www.sinapsisarquitectura.com
+54 9 261 3048344
pablopaci@gmail.com - Tierra del Fuego 343 - Bº Bombal . 5500- Mendoza
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