I am experiencing the errors to load grasshopper with the recent Rhino 8 updates.
Revit version: 2024.2
Grasshopper version:
RiR version: public release v1.21.8913.17015
Error message are as follows:
Object: GetExchange (level 1)
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Object: GetExchange (level 2)
Method not found: ‘Serilog.LoggerConfiguration Serilog.FileLoggerConfigurationExtensions.File(Serilog.Configuration.LoggerSinkConfiguration, System.String, Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel, System.String, System.IFormatProvider, System.Nullable1<Int64>, Serilog.Core.LoggingLevelSwitch, Boolean, Boolean, System.Nullable
1<System.TimeSpan>, Serilog.RollingInterval, Boolean, System.Nullable1<Int32>, System.Text.Encoding, Serilog.Sinks.File.FileLifecycleHooks, System.Nullable
I do not have this error message when I laod grasshopper in Rhino8 standalone…
Only get this message when I load grasshopper in RiR.
Anyone experienced?
Thank you in advance.