Grasshopper Issues with Rhino WIP 5D48w

Hi All,

A few issues with the new WIP:

  1. Grasshopper no longer suggests to open an auto-saved file after attempting to re-open the file post-crash. Any auto-saved files have to be manually opened from the AutoSaved Folder and then re-saved with the right name. Given the instability of GH and WIP, this is a serious annoyance.
  2. The “Manage XXX Collection” window never opens.
  3. The “Remote Panel” window never opens.
  4. If GH is open and Rhino is not the active app, the GH window will move to the front on its own. This seems to be on some kind of timer. The workaround is to close the GH window when working in other apps, but this is annoying.
  5. GH seems to be more unstable than before. Lots of Mono exceptions thrown that seem to be UI related.



Grasshopper no longer suggests to open an auto-saved file after attempting to re-open the file post-crash. Any auto-saved files have to be manually opened from the AutoSaved Folder and then re-saved with the right name. Given the instability of GH and WIP, this is a serious annoyance.

Can you send us a GIF of this behavior? We’ll try to test this to see if we can duplicate this. In the meantime, there is still a lot of work to do to make EH become GH, so you should be using these tools with caution. Sending us screenshots or even GIFs of these things happening helps us get there faster.

The “Manage XXX Collection” window never opens.

This is a known issue:

The “Remote Panel” window never opens.

This is a known issue:

If GH is open and Rhino is not the active app, the GH window will move to the front on its own. This seems to be on some kind of timer. The workaround is to close the GH window when working in other apps, but this is annoying.

I cannot duplicate this. Which applications are you using, which version of OSX do you have installed? Can you make a GIF of this behavior and send it to us?

GH seems to be more unstable than before. Lots of Mono exceptions thrown that seem to be UI related.

This is a known issue we are working to fix.

There is no GIF to send (since nothing shows up!)

  1. Work on a gh file and muck around with the Ribbon icons until GH crashes (using the Ribbon seems to be the #1 trigger for crashes).
  2. Reopen Rhino WIP, launch ExplicitHistory, open the gh file you were working on.
  3. You will NOT be prompted to recover the auto-saved copy.

Good to hear that the other issues have been recorded. The GH window moving to the front issue hasn’t happened again, I’ll pay more attention to what else is running next time it occurs.



has the .gh been previously named/saved prior to this?
if it’s just an ‘untitled’, I won’t get the recovery option either but usually if I’m working on a file that has been saved/named at some point, I’ll get the recovery option upon relaunching after a crash

Yes, it had been saved and named.