Grasshopper Ignore Plugin Undo

Hi, I was troubleshooting a Rhino8 WIP plugin loading problem the other day and was using the GrasshopperIgnorePlugin command to selectively test which third party plugin was causing the problem. Unfortunately I have not found a way to undo this action yet and I am unable to access a majority of the plugins in my Grasshopper Libraries folder. Does anybody know how to undo the Ignore Plugin Command in Rhino?

I should note that when I switched back to R7 the Ignore Plugin function had carried over…

Hi August -

When you run GrasshopperIgnorePlugin and select a *.gha file, the commandline feedback will be as follows:

Command: GrasshopperIgnorePlugin
Plug-in ‘xxx.gha’ will be ignored from now on. Delete the adjacent ‘xxx.no6’ file to move it back onto the active list.

This information can also be found in the help file for the GrasshopperIgnorePlugin command.

Thanks Wim,

I had already ignored them, so when I ran the command again it just said this plugin is already ignored… Might be helpful to restate that in the message in that case.

Hi @wim,

Is it possible to do this selectively? I am interested in blocking a certain plugin in Rhino 7 but want to allow in Rhino 8. Is there a way to achieve that?

Hi Devang -

I’m afraid not, no.