Grasshopper How To Arc of Lines?

This is probably simple but so am I.
How to construct a variable number of lines of a fixed length end to end so that each line is at a variable angle (example -2 degrees) between the one it is attached to. Basically making an arc of line segments. Hope this makes sense.

this is basic trigonometry, center is at

\overrightarrow{Center} =\overrightarrow{MiddlePoint} + \overrightarrow{LateralVector} * (DistanceBetweenBeginEnd/2) /Tan(angle/2)

It is on one side or another. and we rotate clockwise or anti clockwise
Here a solution which accept whatever open curve in XY plane you want

rotate (15.0 KB)


Your curve isn’t internalized.

Must be better now :crossed_fingers:

WOW! it worked for me but I’m gonna have to spend some time understanding how. I know trig, this isn’t basic for me! :crazy_face:
Will use this to render different configurations of a large video wall for a stage layout.

Thanks so much!

Little error in stream gate , I updated the script.
Follow the flow
I calculate the middle, the direction, then a cross product to have the lateral then some math to calculate the length and then the center of rotation.

Same here. I used an Anemone loop. (13.8 KB)

Oh Boy! I’m getting an education overload today!
At some point in my previous failures I thought I would need something repetitive like a loop but didn’t know this Anemone existed. Loaded the plugin and now ready to play.
Thank You Joseph!

So Cool! I’m Shakin’ like Jack White.