I’m trying to see if I can access the grasshopper active document and extract/store the connectivity graph between a sequence of connected components, in such a way that I can store and save the construction history of a procedural model.
Any chance someone had similar problem or have any suggestion?
You Will also need to recurse if you intend to deal with clusters. I believe you will also have to identify special components like number sliders, panels, etc and cast them to their respective type.
Ok, cool. You might also want to consider doing a graph-like data structure to store all your data. Traditional tree data structures wont work, for example a binary tree. Consider looking in to implementing a Directed acyclic graph.
Grasshopper itself constructs DAGs, hence my original question about the possibility or not to access the topological informations of a definition, something that is doable with the Maya Hypergraph or CATIA.