Grasshopper component block loading

I want to put a licesing check on my grasshopper assembly. Is there a way to block the loading the plugin if the license is not there? I tried the GH_AssemblyInfo.License property but it seems not to affect the loading of the component (on Rhino 6R34)

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot

Override GH_AssemblyPriority, write the validation mechanism and return GH_LoadingInstruction.Abort on PriorityLoad() when validation fails.

Hi there,

I’ve came up to your post : I managed to abord components loading for my (licensed) plugin.
However the process is silent for the user : what’s the right way to tell the user the license has expired ? throw an error ? which type ?

public class PretconGhAssemblyLoad : GH_AssemblyPriority
    public override GH_LoadingInstruction PriorityLoad()
        return GH_LoadingInstruction.Abort;

One more question : how would you implement a licensing validation based on components sets ?

Lets say I deliver a GHA plugin with basic components + premium components.
In my licence file (I’m using ThinkSharp.Licensing) I can add Key-Value properties to say that each set of components has or has not to be loaded.

How would you implement this ? Thanks for helping