Is it possible to choose which plugins are loaded when Grasshopper starts?
Hi Charles - you can load-protect plug-ins in the Grasshopper Preferences > Solver
Further reading : )
Thank you, I knew this possibility for adjusting the loading of GHA plugins in Grasshopper but it is not as easy to use as for loading RHP plugins in Rhino, because it must be said at each opening if you want to load it or not
That’s correct - hence the “further reading”. What are the circumstances you are dealing with?
Also, perhaps this might help:
Thank you for this technical solution which seems to me very interesting because it is easy to automate the creation or the deletion of these text files.
My circumstances are the same as all the users who have loaded a large number of plugins to meet each customer need and who end up with a very long startup time of Grasshopper.
For each customer project we only use a small number of plugins and therefore it might be good to be able to save different configurations to memorize which plugins are loaded for each client and or Grasshopper definition.
For each client we only use a small number of plugins and therefore it might be good to be able to save different configurations to memorize which plugins are loaded for each client and or Grasshopper definition.
The only practical situation I come up with is that Rhino is set up on one computer and shared with various users of different objectives. Honestly, I feel very strange about the circumstance.
The latest version of Pancake has a non-public “lazy-load” feature which loads libraries when Rhino/Grasshopper is in idle, which I don’t think is of much use so that I haven’t made it switchable through UI.
What I wanted to say about my context of use of Rhino is that even if it is the same user and the same computer, each project sometimes requires a set of plugins distinct from the other projects depending on the project typology.
Whenever we do a development we have to list the plugins used.
If some plugins come back regularly others are used only on a project.
This is why it would be interesting for plugins to be loaded only if the Grasshopper definition requires it.
This is why it would be interesting for plugins to be loaded only if the Grasshopper definition requires it.
This is achievable by intercepting the file open event. GH’s normal file-open event is fired after the file is loaded, so something like Harmony is necessary to process the file just after the file is chosen.
Thank you !