I am modeling parametric caps on grasshopper, with surfaces of revolution. I have baked a couple of revolved profiles, but one profile does not bake. No messages, just don’t.
Hi Renato
I confirmed your file.
The filleted curve seems to be invalid.
I tested it with Rhino 6, but the result was the same.
I think that it is a bug because I can create srf with Revolution component
when I input a bake curve.
If you created it, you need to do a fillet after creating the srf in Rhino6.
Rhino 6 have Fillet Edge component.
Just fit your curve to degree 3. Fillets are degree 2 curve segments. Degree 2 curves tend to not play so nice with these kind of components. A simple fit curve component fixes it.
[quote=“Michael_Pryor, post:6, topic:62912, full:true”]
Just fit your curve to degree 3. Fillets are degree 2 curve segments. Degree 2 curves tend to not play so nice with these kind of components. A simple fit curve component fixes it.