Graphics suddenly glitching where two closed polysurfaces meet

Hello. I’m having a problem with my 3D model. For some reason, the closed solid polysurfaces are not properly displayed, especially where they have another closed polysurface behind them (even though they are 1-2cm apart, which usually does the trick). Also, points where two polysurfaces meet ideally are shown as if they are off by a few mm (as if there is edger softening applied, even though it isn’t).

I’m not sure where the problem is, because I tried opening the file on another computer and the same thing occurred. However, when I open a different file of an old project, there is not glitch. I tried copy-pasting the entire project onto a new Rhino empty file, but the glitch comes with it.

I have the latest version of Rhino 7, as well as an updated NVidia driver.

I’ve uploaded a print screen of the problem.

its difficult to know whats going without a file to look at. Have you looked at the render mesh settings ? Smooth & Slower may need selecting. Or checked you don’t have duplicate surfaces which are ‘z-fighting’ ? Is your graphic card up to date ? You may be best to upload your model file so someone can dig in a little deeper

Thank you for your answer!

Smooth and slower is selected. My graphic card is up to date. And it looks like z-fighting, but it is not since the front polysurfaces have a thickness of at least 1 to 2cm, which usually helps in these occasions.

I’ve uploaded the 3d model now.

marija-model.3dm (5.5 MB)u

Your model is very far from world origin. Select everything and move to w0:

  1. _SelAll
  2. _Move
  3. Pick one of the bottom corners to move from
  4. w0 as the location to move to.
  5. ZE

Thank you Nathan, that was it!