Hi @DavidMans,
thanks a lot for the great plugin, I’ve been using it a lot in the last weeks and it’s just AWESOME
I’m bothering you because I don’t fully understand the behavior of the Save Bitmap → Resolution value
With the following very simple setup I’m drawing a square with side 1 unit, a random stroke just to make the square appear, and I give the drawing a boundary equal to the square itself (so the thickness of the square will look like half of the value I set, only the “inward portion” will be visible because the “outward half stroke” gets trimmed out of the drawing boundary)
GraphicPlus_PPI_Resolution_Question.gh (14.3 KB)
as very last thing I set the drawing units to inches (index 6) and the Save Bitmap resolution to 300 PPI
the svg file is just perfect, when I open it in a vector editor software it has all the features I would expect, pure magic:
center of the square is at 1/2 inch (12.7mm) on both X and Y
side length is 1 inch (25.4mm)
stroke width is 0.2 inches (5.08mm)
the very same shape saved as 300 PPI -in any format- outputs a 4x4 pixel image, and I can’t understand what I’m doing wrong
because the PPI resolution is set to 300 pixels per inch, and the drawing size is set to 1x1 inch, I would expect to get images of final size 300x300 pixels
I understand the theoretical difference between DPI and PPI, which is basically related to screen visualization resolution and printing resolution, but I can’t wrap my head around it
when I plug the Drawing Viewer, the preview gets super tiny and consistent with the images that are saved:
All this leads me to think there’s something that I’m obviously not able to catch… any help or insight would be much appreciated!