Graphic issues , missing text and dimension

Hey there.

I am using Rhino 6 using parallels desktop on a I Mac from one day to another it happened that no texts nor dimensions , actually everything which is pixels does not appear anymore.

Did not change any graphic settings and the settings on parallels always run using the highest possible amount of resource.

did anyone have the same issue or now a solution for this ?



  1. McNeel doesn’t officially support running Rhino on a virtual machine, although they “unofficially” do what they can. Bootcamp is supported.

  2. Rhino 5 runs fairly well under Parallels. Rhino 6 not so much. The issue is that Parallels OpenGL support is not up to the level which Rhino 6 requires and there is some question whether it ever will be. Even though Apple hardware currently supports OpenGL 4 sufficiently for Rhino 6 (thus Bootcamp works), apparently Apple has decided to stop further OpenGL development in OS X. This has put Parallels in a quandary about what they are going to do since keeping OpenGL up-to-date would require a 100% effort on their part rather than just adapting to Apple’s OpenGL efforts as they have been doing. Parallels may get their OpenGL support up to a level that will work for Rhino 6 eventually, but Parallels 14 (the current version) isn’t there yet.

@jeff - Any corrections or additional news?

Hey. Thanks for the answer. Actually I solved the issue right now. It just came with the latest Rhino 6 update. by uninstalling this version and reinstalling the version before the update I managed that text and dimensions appear again. Hopefully Parallels will manage to get the OpenGL support to that level someday. Until then I will just not be able to update the Rhino version…

Hey guys.
I have the same issue, service release downloaded today 27 of February 2019.
Furthermore, Artistic view doesnt work, as ti shows many juxtaposed figures of the same object many times in wireframe, also view capture shows a black exported file image. I am Running Parallels on Win10 pro, my graphics are RADEON pro 460, open GL Engine, 8 processors, 8096MB allowed for Parallels and 512MB in graphics memory.

Everything related to graphic visualization seems to fail.
Rhino 5 is always ok.

Please help!

Please stop using Parallels. It is not supported.
VMWare Fusion seems to be some better, but even then, it’s not good enough to be supported.

The System Requirements page for Rhino for Windows clearly states that Virtualization is not supported:

This harsh “My way or the highway” response doesn’t seem very customer oriented even though you said “please”.

It seems to me that the number of “rogue” users trying to virtualize and then complaining here is increasing. Shouldn’t this be taken as an indication of a customer need or desire that deserves some consideration? Probably driven by the pretty good success people had with V5. One factor that McNeel seems to have overlooked is the synergy in usefulness that, especially Parallels, offers is to make the Mac into a highly interoperable Windows/MacOS machine, although it can be argued that even with Rhino Mac installed the user can still run other Windows software under Parallels.

I suspect that with a small fraction of the effort McNeel has put into the Mac version both VMWare and Parallels could have been induced to up their OpenGL game and Rhino 6 tuned up to be supported on virtual machines.

But hindsight is a great microscope with which to view the world as it exists today. What a break for Rhino Mac that Parallels decided to limit their OpenGL support to the first decade 21st century level.

@bobmcneel @brian

Virtualization, in general, is a popular topic these days. It lets a single computer do more things more flexibly than running a single OS on a single piece of hardware. However, it has its downsides. Virtualization, as the name implies, is a software system that allows one piece of hardware or operating system pretend that it is a different piece of hardware or operating system. It’s a translation layer. It’s akin to (but simpler than) bi-directional automatic human language translation.

We all know Rhino makes heavy use of OpenGL. And our plan when we started revamping the OpenGL subsystem for Rhino 6 was to fully support virtualization. As we got further along in the process, it became clear that the translation layers for OpenGL just weren’t very good. VMWare does a pretty decent job; Parallels is pretty bad. OpenGL 4 was released in 2010. Parallels supports OpenGL 2 from 2006; VMWare supports OpenGL 3.3 from 2010. Rhino also doesn’t run on Windows 95 or XP because those old platforms don’t do what people expect from computers these days.

I guess it depends on what you mean by “supported”. Is it OK for Rhino to only show Wireframe? What about basic shaded mode? Rendered? Textures? Decals? Shadows? Arctic? Artistic?

At some point, various parts of those no longer work. It seems cumbersome to “partially support” something; it’s easier to say we don’t support it. Of course, Rhino still runs - so people can try it and see if they can get their work done. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to create a detailed list of what works and what doesn’t for their specific platform, virtualization environment, and driver.

Virtualization wasn’t supported in V5, either. It worked OK, sometimes, because Rhino used a much older version of OpenGL. But people complained a lot about it even then. And V5 still runs - people who want to use it still can.

Jeff, David E, and I put a large amount of effort into supporting VMWare Fusion because they touted support for OpenGL 3.3. Unfortunately, we ran into several driver bugs that we kept trying to work around. VMWare is one of the few drivers that we actually have special case code for in Rhino to try and deal with.

All that said, VMWare works pretty well for general purpose work and works better than Parallels due to the OpenGL level support. Don’t expect to get a whole bunch of work done in the more advanced display modes though.

The text missing issue on Parallels is a bug on my list that may be fixed during the V6 service release cycle as we are finding a few older native Windows drivers that also don’t support OpenGL 3.3.