GhShaderNodes + Raytraced + Rhino 6 / 2018.05.03

Thanks very much for helping.
I guess bump and displacement isn’t working jet.

You can ignore that, it is the result in change of input parameter type. node inputs and outputs used to be strongly typed, but that meant you couldn’t directly plug a color into a vector input, or a value into a color input. I haven’t added yet the necessary cases for GH to not complain about them (or maybe just ignore warnings altogether, don’t know yet).

Displacement probably doesn’t work properly yet, I haven’t put any thought into it, nor have I tested it.

That said, bump maps should work just fine, as well as the normal input into the principled BSDF.

Here is a simple anodized aluminium setup:

anodized_alu.3dm (549.9 KB) (15.4 KB)

And a version with bump node used (with size of noise changed so the effect is more obvious): (18.3 KB)


awesome, thanks!
seems to work, will try to understand what all the many values are about, looks quite complicated to me.
somehow changing the color from gold to something else does not work, will stay gold no matter what.
will check it out more tomorrow.

Did you remember to set a Rhino material to the Output node? This is something that isn’t saved (yet, not sure yet if that will be how it goes)

It is actually just the simple setup as given in the accepted answer. This setup may look a bit more complicated, as I added a few explicit nodes, like the colour picker, and some sliders like the IOR input and others.

The only real difference is that I didn’t use a RGB Curves node, simple because I haven’t wrapped that. I found that such tight control isn’t really necessary, the setup mostly works without that additional curve control.

Note that the geometry position is the actual world coordinate really, and since Rhino has almost everything in world coordinates you have to take that into account.

Yup, it was definitely a user error issue on my end. There were some things I was doing very wrong, thanks for the good examples of how to do it right.

The GH shader editor nodes are a tad bit different from the Cycles shader editor nodes, but in general almost all Cycles node knowledge is applicable in GhShaderNodes. Apart from not everything being there (RGB curves for one), and slight differences in UI (i.e. color ramp UI), you should be able to recreate most of the Cycles shaders :slight_smile:

In some bright future I’d write nicer UIs for all these components as well, like the RGB curves widget, the color ramp gradient widget and so on.

But first Rhino 6 for Mac :slight_smile:

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it’s a great plugin.

Hi @nathanletwory,

Interesting stuff, I see it’s been long time since the last update. What’s the status of GhShaderNodes, is this project still alive? I noticed this is not working with rhino 8.

Thank you

It has not been updated for Rhino 8.

Instead I am designing tools that would give direct shader graph control in a later major Rhino release.


hi nathan, just double checking – by “later major rhino release” do you mean it won’t be for v8 but possible for v9 or later, or do you mean the next major service release of v8?

would love to explore the suite of tools opening up the potentials of parametrizing material/shader more … thanks!

Major release would be Rhino 9 earliest, but could be later. It depends on how the dominos fall.

understood, thanks for responding!