Could someone help me to understand how I can modify the code in the GL Mesh Shader button to respect the lights in a scene? Or am I just missing how the GL Mesh Shader works?
Could someone help me to understand how I can modify the code in the GL Mesh Shader button to respect the lights in a scene? Or am I just missing how the GL Mesh Shader works?
GhGL grabs the lights in the display pipeline and sets them up as uniforms available in the shader
Ok, I think I understand now. Do I just need to work within those 4 light direction options? Or is there another way to override this and tell it to use the scene lights for the lighting?
I was able to manipulate the direction of the lighting by creating a vector input (as an MD Slider) named lightdir and then multiplying it by the _lightDirection in the Main function in the fragment portion of the shader. I hope this helps someone else.
vec3 l = normalize(_lightDirection[0]*lightdir);
The code in the shader needs to decide if ift is going to support more lights. I never got around to writing a sample that used more than the standard camera oriented light.
If have seen this thread too late. Thank you all!
At the bottom you can see a working solution in combination with a glslify lambert function -.
(With just one light source)
The changed fragment shader:
#pragma glslify: diffuse_lambert = require(‘glsl-diffuse-lambert’)
//Input variables
uniform vec4 diffuse;
uniform vec4 ambient;uniform vec3 _lightDirection[4];
in vec3 normal;
in vec3 ligthDir;out vec4 fragment_color;
void main() {
vec3 l = -normalize(_lightDirection[0]);
float power = diffuse_lambert(l,normal);vec3 c = ambient.rgb + diffuse.rgb * abs(power);
vec4 shadingColor = vec4(c, diffuse.a);fragment_color = shadingColor;
Now, I just would like to implement some kind of drop shadow, but as I understood, this will be right now not possible, because PostDrawObject is used to draw the object within the gl mesh shader component (GLMeshShaderComponent.cs, Line 212) - so it is too late for a shadow pass.
See this Issue;
@stevebaer Is this assumption correct?
Yes, that is correct