is it possible to use the shaders delevoped with ghgl without grasshopper in the rhino viewport?
Ideally the shader could be saved and used as a viewmode.
many thanks
is it possible to use the shaders delevoped with ghgl without grasshopper in the rhino viewport?
Ideally the shader could be saved and used as a viewmode.
many thanks
a bump since ghgl is so awesome:
Would you consider some kind of save/export function to run ghgl shaders without grasshopper in rhino? I think this could benefit a lot of rhino users, who aren’t good with GH but would like to use some of the “render styles” developed with ghgl.
maybe @stevebaer?
Maybe… This is pretty hard to do and would require changes to core Grasshopper and Rhino.
Thank you for clarification and considering it.
rumor is that @mrhe kind of hacked ghgl into Rhino, can you reveal any clues?
@stevebaer I would highly like this feature also +1.
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