Strange, when I start Grasshopper in debug mode from VS (testing my component) I get the following error message when trying to save the GH definition, but it works if I start the GH definition in a normal Rhino session (no debugging involved).
(Bump). Is there anything I can do to track down the cause of this error?
Again, I can save ghx, but not the binary .gh version of the gh file. Does this perhaps indicate some serialization problem. If so, can I trap that error myself somehow?
No, it’s the report (messages, see screenshot) from the one and only error I get when trying to save the gh version (edit:) when started from VS for debugging:
Edit: Hm, interesting. if I first save in ghx format and after that save in gh format, then it saves!
Just to be clear: although there’s a workaround as mentioned above (first saving to ghx, then to .gh) the original problem remains in that the gh file cannot be saved without the workaround.