Hi, I created a vb.net plugin using the rhino/zoo license system, it works nicely but I can’t find anywhere how to access my plugin license infos from my code.
For example, I would like to to read plugin.licenseData.SerialNumber from a command, and change its behavior accordingly. (I don’t get why licensedata is not a member of Mycommand.plugin)
If you want access to your plug-in’s license data, then you should save the data generated by your plug-in’s Rhino.PlugIns.ValidateProductKeyDelegate delegate in some private data structure on your plug-in, so it can be retrieved to show in some UI later.
Thanks Dale I got it, it’s working nicely. I had this idea earlier but I was wondering if it were the best approach. (Like reading data from rhino license manager)
Another related question: when the user is asked for a product key, there are also two other fields: “Name” & “Organization”. How can I retrieve these infos in Rhino.PlugIns.ValidateProductKeyDelegate ?
The main idea was to avoid clients to share too easily their product key.
I think Rhino3D’s activation does this: it ask for an email adress matching the product key.
Hi @dale,
Anything new regarding to this limitation? I’ve got a new license provider API that requires matching an email with a product key, and It would really help if I can get those from the plugin.getlicense() UI (Rhino6)
If it is still not possible, do you know if getlicense can be called without UI? In that case I would just use my own form. The idea is to keep the compatibility with zoo