Hey guys. Is there any way to get rid of those isolines after joining two surfaces? I have basically filled up a hole using a “planarsrf” command and then used “join” and extruded the surface. Even though the extrusion produced a closed polysurface but I was wondering if there is any way to remove that small rectangular box (isolines) to make the surface clean. I have attached two images. Image 1 shows what I am talking about. Image two is what I desire.
Another point of confusion for me is, I have tried using “MergeAllCoplanarFace” command to fill up the hole but it doesn’t
work. The command line says "Select a mesh, polysurface or SubD face ( MergeAllCoplanar=Yes ) ". But I am not able to select anything. I want to know what is the mistake that I am doing or when can I actually use the command “Mergeallcoplanarfaces”. At last I want to point out that I am using rhino 7.