I have a couple old VB6 drilling programs that I’m not quite ready to give up on yet. I need to make some changes to get them to load in V6, but the changes are not as straightforward as changing the “5” to a “6” in the code below. What do I need to change to make the programs run in V6?
Dim i As String
Dim objFso As Object
Set Rhino = CreateObject("Rhino5x64.Interface")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
Call MsgBox("Failed to create Rhino 5 object. Rhino must be running for this plug-in to function.", 16, "Hole Drilling Program")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim nCount As Integer
nCount = 0
Do While (nCount < 10)
On Error Resume Next
Set RhinoScript = Rhino.GetScriptObject()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Sleep 500
nCount = nCount + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (RhinoScript Is Nothing) Then
Call MsgBox("Failed to start the RhinoScript engine.")
End If