Get untrimmed surface with ShrinkTrimmedEdge

Is it always true that I can get untrimmed surface from ShrinkTrimmedEdge if the trimmed surface is trimmed by iso curve from an untrimmed surface?

Or, let me ask this way:

  1. I trimmed an untrimmed surface with its iso curve.
  2. I apply ShrinkTrimmedEdge to one of the trimmed surface.
  3. The result of No.2 above is always an untrimmed surface.

Is this right?

Hello- - if a surface is trimmed only by an isocurve, that edge is the ‘natural’ one so not trimmed; ShrinkTrimmedSrf and ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge do the same thing - there is no need to leave the margin that ShrinkTrimmedSrf does when the trim is from an arbitrary curve.


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If all the trimmed edges of a trimmed surface are exactly isocurves then shrinking the surface will result in an untrimmed surface.

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@pascal @davidcockey I thought so, but I just need to be 100% sure about this.
Thank you very much!