Hi There,
I am currently trying to develop a plugin using rhinocommon in c#. To get the functionality i want i need to be able to read the data in the attributes that i assigned from Grasshopper with Elefront. The data is attached to a group and shown in Rhino:
But in my plugin it only shows an empty SharedUserDictionary:
I also tried adding some User Data manually in the Rhino interface, but it doesnt show. Same happens the other way around, the user data or dictionaries i add to the objects get added and i can access them in my code but they dont reflect in the User data shown in Rhino itself.
Here is my code for reading and adding the data:
internal void Dtgrd_LoadWeld(int index)
{//AddUserDataTEMP(); dt_WeldTable.Rows.Clear(); List<int> _GroupInts = new List<int>(); var _weldObjects = rhinoDoc.Objects.FindByLayer(rhinoDoc.Layers.FindIndex(index)); foreach (var target in _weldObjects) { if (!_GroupInts.Contains(target.Attributes.GetGroupList().First())) _GroupInts.Add(target.Attributes.GetGroupList().First()); //dt_WeldTable.Rows.Add(target.Id, target.Name, target.Attributes.GetUserString("Target Index")); } foreach (var groupInt in _GroupInts) { var _group = rhinoDoc.Groups.FindIndex(groupInt); dt_WeldTable.Rows.Add(_group.Id, _group.Name, _group.GetUserString("1")); var GroupDict = _group.UserDictionary; System.Object sad = ""; var Value = GroupDict.TryGetValue("1", out sad); var GroupUserData = _group.UserData; var GroupUserStrings = _group.GetUserStrings(); var objectIds = rhinoDoc.Groups.GroupMembers(_group.Index); if (objectIds == null || objectIds.Length == 0) { RhinoApp.WriteLine("Group is empty or does not exist."); } // Retrieve the objects from the document using the object IDs List<RhinoObject> groupObjects = new List<RhinoObject>(); foreach (var id in objectIds) { var item = rhinoDoc.Objects.Find(id.Id); var userData = new Rhino.Collections.ArchivableDictionary(); userData.Set("FKey", "FValue"); var succ = item.Attributes.UserDictionary.Set("DirectKey", "DirectValue"); if (item.HasUserData) { var sdf = item.Geometry.UserDictionary.Count; var sdsfsd = item.UserData.First(); if (sdf > 0) { var sdfa = item.UserDictionary; } } item.CommitChanges(); } } }
Any help is much appreciated and Thanks in advance,