i like to get the area from a surface. this surface is an image. only black or white. no grayscale. i need the area of just the black or just the white. since i have alot pictures i want to analyse, i like to use grasshopper.
i saw there are different options in rhino to analyse an area.
what do you think is the most promising approach?
Do you actually need the shape of the area, or just its measure? It’s always a little tough to translate bitmap to vector information. I’d use the image value to displace a mesh in the Z direction, then cut a contour through the resulting mesh at a height corresponding to the brightness value you want. Here’s a super simplistic approach. If you need closed regions you’ll need to get a little more sophisticated:
Look for this:
Percentile: Displays the cumulative number of pixels at or below the level underneath the pointer. This value is expressed as a percentage of all the pixels in the image, from 0% at the far left to 100% at the far right.
edit: …or you can do what @andheum said! (my god! you never know what you will learn in this forum!!!)
One more approach - I like this one because it shows how to do many images at the same time, and allows you to set a sample resolution (by changing the slider going into X + Y of the IMG component)
Hi there i am trying to do the same but with an image where i have analysed different components in the photo with colours. I have overlaid and simplified the images with 4 different colours. is there a way to express values for each colour in the image rather than just black and white? thanks!