Geological layers


There is an idea which does not give me a rest. I’m wondering how to approach a problem of drawing 3D geological layers with GH and data from geological survey (boreholes). “Hand drawn” 2D geological sections look like this:

As I am quite new with GH & Rhino I think about implementing voronoi3d and some plugin to add attributes to soil volumes (like name, mechanical properties, etc.). In the end, model from rhino should be exported to AutoCAD, Plaxis and additionally to IFC file.

As for now all I have is a simple script which creates voronoi cells around points obtained from boreholes. I don’t like how edges of cells from different boreholes look like. They should be “smoother” (like on attached geological crossection - no vertical faults). I would like to ask if you have an idea how to deal with it. Or perhaps I should start completely different approach? I know python if it could help.


222 (16.1 KB)

I forgot to attach csv files with points. But I’m more interested in a general idea how to deal with such quest :slight_smile:

bottom points.csv (76 Bytes)
layer points from boreholes.csv (396 Bytes)
terrain surface.csv (65 Bytes)

It’s rather unlikely that you can solve this without code (mid to advanced level).

The orthodox way to deal with your core samples is to mastermind a class with suitable Properties (core ID, core depth, soil ID and depth [in a List per core] etc). Then as a first step do that via some LINQ queries on the custom type items (R could/should be user controlled for clarity) :

Then for the 3d layer part (on a per soil ID basis) things become quite challenging. You’ll need a concave (not convex) hull Method, some interpolation Method(s) [AI is used these days for that], a proper ball pivot solution … and quite a few lines of code (speaking having the general case in mind).

Get some ideas:

Hill2021_Article_ImprovingAutomatedGeologicalLo.pdf (3.2 MB)