Generate series of images with with different honeybee analysis results running on a loop

I am running a loop for an illuminance analysis. Results are generated for every month at a specific time. Therefore, a different result mesh is generated (12 total). Is there a way to automate the image generation instead of taking screen shots of the results?

Example of one result:

I am using LB Capture View. Im not sure whether this is the best solution. Any ideas?


Hi - you might want to check for issues related to the Ladybug Tools.

Ok, will put it there too, thank you:)

Hey @serabouch. This response might be coming too late, but I came across this thread while troubleshooting a related issue. My workflow for what you’re describing combines the “Capture View” component you indicated with the “Fly” component that steps through all combinations of connected sliders. You can read more about Fly here:

Happy modeling!