I am new to the forum - although it has been an invaluable source of information and assistance for me over the years.
I am relatively proficient in grasshopper (been using for about 10 years) but i a new challenge and i could really do with some help as it’s a bit beyond my capabilities currently.
I saw this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8A6ovlZP7U
And i would really like to be able to recreate this for my own purposes. I’m really looking for pointers on the best places to start.
Some of the logic escapes me - as an example - how do you define or quantify if 3 objects are each on a different wall of the kitchen? Is this a multi boolean operator?
I understand it uses Galapagos but i’m really unsure where to start with setting up the logic for the evaluation of the ‘decisions’ listed.
I apologise in advance for this relatively vague query but all and any help would be much appreciated.
I enclose some screen shots of the video and GH definition.
Thanks in advance.