Function Rhino.Geometry.Curve.ProjectToMesh Problem

Hi all, I used to use this function in RHINO5 and the calculation was very efficient. But when I used the same function in RHINO 7, the efficiency became very slow (about Rhino5 1 sec. Rhino7 25 seconds), the function is as follows, can anyone help me?

cur_pp_inter = Rhino.Geometry.Curve.ProjectToMesh(cur(i), msh, k_vec, 0.001)

Update … I use Rhino 5 & 7’s built-in function … The efficiency is already very different… See picture

Hi @jerry1,

Can you provide me with sample geometry and code that you feel is slow?


– Dale

Test_Program_1_18(2022).7z (1.8 MB)
Hi Dale, Please refer to the attached file. Rhino5–>.net2010(VB) & Rhino7–>net2019(VB)

Hi @jerry1,

Thanks for the additional sample. Here is the issue so you can track:

– Dale