Fun with Shrink Wrap & Quad ReMesh > Make a knot? Yup!

Amazing! I was never able to do this geometric form in any other version of Rhino, so thanks to the McNeel team for the innovation. Also, thanks to @theoutside and @BrianJ for the recent help and guidance. You guys rock. :ok_hand::grin::+1:


Have you seen my gallery post about shoe laces?

Shoe laces - Gallery - McNeel Forum


I just checked it out now, so thanks for the link. Your work is super cool and inspiring. It’s very impressive how your scan was able to get all of that detail.

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This is exactly what I thought this is going to be useful for, since the meshes from the shrinkwrapping seem pretty gross. Would be nice if there was a window for the shrinkwrap option which had quadremeshing and converting to subd options all in the one window to avoid doing two operations, though this is a minor issue.

If I understand you correctly, then you can do two of three actions together. When running Quad ReMesh, there is a Convert to Sub-D option on the same dialog. I separated the steps for clarity and practice. :slight_smile:

I mean all of that inside the panel for shrinkwrap also

Aha. Gotcha.

I should mention for each of the steps shown, I did several experiments until I was happy with the results. Only then did I proceed to the next step in the process (and more experiments.)


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:exploding_head: my brains jus sploded :smiling_face_with_tear: