I’ve made a surface using weighted control points in order to get a nice parabolic surface that gives very smooth highlights transitions. (to obtain the same effect by manually positioning the control points would take ages and master skill) However, I would like to obtain the same surface without any point weighting, because there might be problems later when the file is used in other software, and I also have the impression that any C2 surface matching from neighbouring surfaces is problematic.
I there a way to do this without changing the shape itself?
For instance, the surface now has a degree 2 in the direction of the parabolic curvature I want: 3 points define the curvature: 2 end points with weight1 and a middle one with weight 10 (question aside: why can’t the weight go higher than 10, why not to infinity? the line just becomes two straight lines, but is really just a single line).
Now, when I change the degree to 4 and obtain 5 points, all the points, except the ones on the end are still weighted, but to a lesser degree. Why isn’t there a way the change the degree, and have no weighting left?Like “baking” the shape with normal, weight 1 control points.
If I manually change the weights of the middle control points to 1, obviously my parabolic curvature will change, and I end up with a modified surface.
Any insights?