Fractured/dynamic geometry generation


Is there a way I can generate fractal geometry for a perforated facade? Such as the images below.

Larger triangles combining with smaller triangles to produce a wrinkled and perforated façade.
I tried components such as:

  • populated2d followed by delaunay mesh,
  • divide curve combined with populate2d plugged into trimesh, and
  • random quad panels followed by constant quad subdivide

Each attempt resulted in a surface/facade that was either chaotic or not proportional to the original size of my imported surface from rhino (facade dimensions)

Any help/advice is appreciated.

Looks like you should only have to move a selection of random points in the direction of the surface normal within a randomized range of distances…

Remesh it by color.


Can you share the file? Because of the attractors, the bottom right appears interesting and more reflective of the reference images. Is there a method for removing the extra curves populating the triangles? Would need the triangles’ face boundaries to perforate the panels.