Flip Curve Problem

I am using the flip component to consistently align a bunch of different curves, however, I have run in some weird behavior that I do not understand. See the example.

This set of curve are what I would call ‘aligned’:

However, after I flip them using the first curve of the set as a guide, they are not ‘aligned’ anymore:

GH_flipCurve_problem.gh (23.3 KB)

It is my understanding that the flip component only consider the vector connecting end points of a polyline. Can any one share light on what is happening here?


if they are already aligned, I would just connect nothing to the GuideCurve input:

let’s say we random flip all those the curves, in such a way they have different directions:

the best way to align them is to use a single line as guide (in this case the line is created from the start and end point of the GuideCurve)

GH_flipCurve_problem_Re.gh (17.2 KB)

Well, of course I am using a guide because in the bigger picture I am not sure if the curves comes already aligned :slight_smile:

But, your work-around works! Thanks!

However, it still makes no sense to me. If only the vector connecting end-points counts, then what I use as a guide (line, or polyline) should not make any difference…

yes, this sentence is valid only for the “maybe to be flipped” curve
for the GuideCurve looks like it just wants a line :slight_smile: