Find dwg in views


Is it possible to query in which views a certain dwg is being used?

Many thanks,


This can be improved but something like this should work.

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Hi Kike,

Thank you for you response.

I had a go at it but it only seems to return the view in which I selected the dwg from in the first place.

In an ideal world I’d like to generate a list of all the dwgs which are linked into the model. then select the dwg that I’m after and then generate a list of of the views which has this specific dwg linked in.

Would this be possible?

Many thanks,


Hi Quickly,

Here’s a slightly different take & does what you are asking for. (9.0 KB)


Hi Japhy,

Thank you for responding.

The list of dwgs works perfect but I’m not so sure about the views.

Most of my dwgs are only in 1 or 2 views but it seems that the script doesnt really filter the relevant views nor does it return the name of the view?

Any idea why?

Many thanks,


No it doesn’t filter, this returns a list of dwgs per view.

Here’s how to cull the empty views from the list and get its Name. (16.3 KB)

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