Find component in GH based on UID

Hi Human Beings,

<<<General Context:
I’m receiving the warning/error messages in my Win console from RhinoCompute Server, it indicates a Py component with its name,UID in the gh file.

But there are so many py components in the original gh. So how could I know which one its referring to, simply based on the UID of it???

Many Thanks

I’m using GhPython here, bit something like this might work for you: (6.5 KB)

Just checked, works for finding Python 3 components too: (8.1 KB)

Hey Anders,

Thanks!!! Works well for my case! And save my ass in time! :heartpulse: :space_invader: :robot:



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More importantly, how are you logging errors to your windows consul???



Hey kiteshaper,

The forum just let me inits a new topic as this one has been marked as solved. Why dnt u start one? And we could talk over there!
:space_invader: :space_invader:
