Filter joined walls

hi @Japhy , I need

to filter the walls in the project which habe been joined together. is there a way to do this?

Hi pixypk,

There is a RevitAPI utility that has a .GetJoinedElements method. Given an element it returns the elements it is joined with. (12.2 KB)

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"Thanks a lot @Japhy . This is just perfect. I wanted to ask about another wall-related filter. I need to filter room-bounding walls in relation to each room. I am using Spatial Element Geometry from rooms to dispatch the walls and the room-bounding walls. However, for the rooms which span over 2 or 3 floors, this workflow gives upper floor walls which are not suitable for my needs, In Revit -Tables one can create a filter :“Raumkanten” ( Room Edges) and get all the correct roombounding walls-