looks like @menno is developing a great tool _fillSrf
to allow similar functionality like Xnurbs or parasolids Fill command.
let s collect challenges to support this development in this topic.
here is a first challenge
people will cry “subd” i know - but it is super technical / geometrical and therefore more a nurbs modelling.
Looks like the bumpiness in your FillSrf result can be improved on by using DegreeU=DegreeV=3 and Bending=0 in the Advanced options. This is food for thought, thank you.
nice result.
those advanced options are mysterious and look like alchemy to me.
Maybe a first step to handle them would be a collection of successful fine-tunes (like the example above ?)
Maybe this collection will point towards some rule of thumb for the number of convex/concave /s-shaped edges.
Alchemy - got it. I’ll soon be turning out gold nuggets from each succesful FillSrf command
But joking aside, these options need to be explained better if they are mysterious to you. Or, even better, not shown at all to reduce cognitive load.
a reduced, simple approach with preferences or a single value
advanced options.
(the mesh command is a nice example, ToNurbs (G1, G1x, G1xx) … is a compromise.)
I think it s a question of how this command is developing / is used.
…or even this is something that can be finetuned for Version 10 in a few years, based on user-statistics.
All my students will love this command, but only 10% (including me) will be interested in the technical background and dig into advanced options.
so maybe a few predefinde settings
default best practice
convex/concave only
and a custom/advanced setting with all the exciting parameters.
and yes - would be nice to have a bit explanation / documentation on the parameters.
at least if they are 0…1 or 0…10000
and if they increase / decrease computation (or stability)
… i already managed to crash rhino with them.
@menno@Gijs Please do not eliminate the ability for the user to set degrees. For most situations I have a strong preference for degree 3, while recognizing other users prefer higher degree surfaces. To “reduce cognotive loac” provide the option for the degrees to be set automatically by the user setting the degrees to 0, similar to how some mesh settings, etc work.
no UI will be hidden, but the idea is to have the advanced settings that you have right now separated from the rest.
Here’s a current mockup (but it is still far from finished)
that model is quite a mess, quite a challenge indeed then… one edge does not even intersect, the other overlaps… maybe they clean that up before they make it a challenge