Fillet issues

Hi everyone,

Have been working more on a test guitar body, and while I was very happy to be able to get so far, the fillet process to finish the edges made things a little frustrating. I understand that in some situations fillets can’t work but in my example (mostly solid modeling here) the fillet is almost unusable, has anyone else had issues with fillets ? I’m going to try this in viacad just for the test but never had issues there with fillets. In this example it even opens the model and does really weird stuff.

Here i managed to do a fillet of 0.08 but once it’s 0.1 things become strange and now on bottom I don’t seem to be able to do a fillet anymore.



If you upload your file for this then we can take a look at it on our machines.

All my best … Danny

Hi Danny, thanks,

is it possible to send privately as this is a based on a design for one of my clients I prefer not to post it public, thanks a lot!



Just send the file as private message to you Danny,



Actually the whole soft becomes very buggy, even simple Boolean operations commend inverses things etc, really weird stuff happening here. I guess the file must be corrupt … :confused:


Was the geometry imported or created in Rhino?

Fully done in Rhino David,



I see what you mean using fillet edge the side of the guitar stays the same. I just did fillet surface and got the .1 radius but then the bottom stays the same not too sure why this is going on hopefully Pascal or someone can figure it out. I know you don’t want to make this public but if you need help the only way people here can see the problem is to see the drawing. If it is O.K. I will put a link to the file you sent me.

All my best … Danny

Thanks Danny, when I do a fillet here on the back the whole model explodes or has strange results. Anyway, I just tried this time in F360 and didn’t had those fillet issues … I think for the mode solid modeling I’ll use another app and see if I can use Rhino for the more smooth surfaces instead.
best regards,