I have a grasshopper definition for creating square pipes on curves but I can’t figure out how to connect the connection points with brep. Could someone please help me figure it out?
squarepipe.gh (13.6 KB)
I have a grasshopper definition for creating square pipes on curves but I can’t figure out how to connect the connection points with brep. Could someone please help me figure it out?
squarepipe.gh (13.6 KB)
Please upload your GH file with internalize data.
squarepipe.gh (31.8 KB)
Change your rhino document’s “Absolute tolerance” fr 0.001 to 0.3—>Join Curves —> Recompute(F5) in GH
@HS_Kim Thank you so much for the help! I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate it.
Hi @HS_Kim,
This doesn’t seem to render well. Any idea why not? I’ve tried baking the surfaces before custom material is applied and applying various materials in Rhino without getting a good results. I’m wondering if it has something to do with surface normal directions?
“doesn’t seem to render well” isn’t very useful information. Screenshots always help.
If you bake the result, that would be a bunch of “open poly-surfaces”.
Sometimes run “Flip direction” or “Cap planar holes” command would help to adjust the normal directions.
BTW, if you have the same back face render setting as front face, then that doesn’t seem to be an issue in render mode.
Some of the curves do not want to play nice. Not sure if it is a product of the geometry or the definition.
OK, sussed the rendering issue: the GH Custom Preview overrides the “Don’t draw any preview geometry” button. So Rhino is rendering my baked surface and GH’s preview in the same space. Have to disable the Custom Preview component as well as using the button. Then I get this:
It’s better if you join the curves and rebuild them
HI @HS_Kim, thank you so much for putting together the dendro definition. I am realizing after a couple hours of attempts that Dendro does not work on MacOs. Is there any chance you could send me the baked file so that I can take a look at the results? Thank you again.
I got the same result, thank you for the tip.
Dendro Curve Thickening.3dm (19.1 MB)