Hi, ok.
how do I get a matching pair as such at that corner and the approach to it, I presume I need to alter the radii of the LHS as I dont want to go less than 0.02 at the right or on the uprights at all.
Its one of those things where the machinist 80 years ago just did it by hand , certainly no CAD and minutae and gaps to worry about.
How does one calculate what is needed to then add some fillet radii to the left arch lessening the rafii and getting an actual match, in the option that occurs when all is done filleting. (so Jerememy says)
and am I right to avoid FilletSrf on this occasion as the fillets didnt follow on but left gaps.
V5. @Gijs
Gijs, I dont see that option of DistanceBetweenRails in FilletEdge, would that be V7 ?
Jim, good idea and I tried that with FilletEdge and it worked, I then went better and added a 0.02 handle and adjusted the last one to 0.024 the size of the LHS fillet, and got this.
Then to get it to the other side I exploded surface and mirrored it across, trimmed the surfaces with it, and joined all surfaces, and ran ZoomNaked, and it shows 10 naked edges.
I’m not sure why you have naked edges, but I did see that your tolerances are lower than what I would recommend for small parts like these. I use 0.0003". You might not want to change tolerances in the middle of a project, but maybe consider that for the future.
I see my absolute tollerance is .001 and if if was to go to 0.0003 would that get more or less fussy on me.
would it complain and fail if something was 0.0002 on fitment ?
I want forgiving, not extra days spent trying to solve something that only needs to be 0.001 accurate, in fact more like 0.02 accurate.
My naked edges wre because I managed to trim a rear surface away when trying to pick the surfaces to be trimmed from the filletEdge result.
Is there a command to atack only surfaces abutting a chosen surface, so we pick the cutting surfaces then it only allows surfaces touched by such to be trimmed ?
If you’re building fillets that are .02" radius, you need a much higher tolerance than .02. If you only need your model to be accurate to .02", then you wouldn’t bother building those .02" fillets at all, right?
But I don’t know what will work best for you. My personal experience is that .0003" works well for things at this scale.